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Life cycle lessons

Life cycle lessons

Following the passage of industry-supported recycling laws in California, Connecticut and Rhode Island, the mattress industry created the Mattress Recycling Council (MRC), a nonprofit organization designed to operate statewide mattress recycling programs. Since 2015, these programs have recycled more than …

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Plastics manufacturing, environmental justice interests spar at Senate hearing | Waste Dive

Curbing plastics production and disposal is the only way to alleviate the material’s health impacts, EJ advocates said, but business representatives called halting production unrealistic and harmful for jobs and the economy.

Source: Plastics manufacturing, environmental justice interests spar at Senate hearing | Waste Dive

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EPA seeks feedback on its new interactive recycling market mapping tool

The U.S. EPA wants its new map, which shows numerous details like recycling infrastructure locations, to be a comprehensive resource for the country. It says it needs help from the industry to make it more accurate.

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United Nations Says Cutting Plastic Waste by 80 Percent by 2040 is Doable

A new United Nations report lays out a path that could cut plastic pollution by 80 percent by 2040, the authors contend. It calls for a “system change” with three key focuses: accelerating reuse; recycling; and reorienting and diversifying to sustainable alternatives to plastic. And it analyzes opportunities, impacts, and barriers associated with all three focuses.
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How to inspire real behavior change among residents

How to inspire real behavior change among residents

Offering suggestions to increase recycling rates and decrease consumer confusion, The Recycling Partnership’s Center for Sustainable Behavior and Impact released its first report on recycling habits and how to change them.

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California Landfill is Turning Food Waste into Renewable Energy

Food waste is a huge issue for landfills and the environment, but one company in California is working to digest food waste into renewable natural gas.
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Experts outline role of policy in sparking recycling markets

Experts outline role of policy in sparking recycling markets

Without a market for a material, recycling it is not economically viable – but how can end markets be created without first recycling the material? Several industry players discussed the role of legislation in market development during a recent webinar. 

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Greenpeace claims recycling complicates plastics toxicity

Greenpeace claims recycling complicates plastics toxicity

Greenpeace is spotlighting toxic chemicals in recycled plastics in its latest report and calling for global plastics agreement negotiators to focus on reduction. 

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Recycling Today RMDZ RMDZ News

Analyst: US in a ‘cardboard box recession’

Typical global recessions see downturns in all areas of the economy, but a recent report suggests only manufacturing and trade appear to be in a recession.
Recycling Today RMDZ RMDZ News

Forecast sees plastic films staying in high demand

Study by German research firm Ceresana finds legislated bans are not enough to deter global demand for plastic films and packaging.